如果抵押贷款利率接近历史低点,你是否在考虑为你的房子再融资, 你并不孤单. In just the first nine months of 2020, more than 6 million homeowners refinanced, according to NerdWallet 1. 通过为房主节省数千美元或允许他们利用股权, 我们正经历如此大规模的再融资,这并不令人意外. Before you make the move, it is important to have a goal in mind, to compare your current terms with today’s rates, and to weigh out the costs and benefits. 
坚果 & 螺栓 
抵押贷款再融资是用不同的利率或条款取代现有贷款的过程,有时甚至是与不同的贷款人 2. The first step in refinancing a mortgage is to speak with a 抵押贷款专家,他们可以帮助你决定再融资是否适合你和你的财务状况. 专家将审查您目前的条款和利率,以帮助您锁定最适合您的财务背景和目标的利率.
比较你现有的利率和当前的利率将帮助你决定是否该为你的抵押贷款再融资. 如果你现在是房主,那么再融资会让你感觉似曾相识. When applying to refinance, you will need to qualify for your specific type of mortgage, secure an interest rate, and cover closing costs, 必要时. 在申请抵押贷款再融资之前,请务必考虑以下因素: 

  • Determining your financial goals. 我们的 friendly 抵押贷款专家s 能帮助你了解你的选择,给你知识,让你做出自信的决定吗. 
  • 货比三家,选择最适合自己财务状况的抵押贷款产品. Arbor Financial offers a variety of products and terms, including 7-, 10-, 12-, and 15-year terms, plus more*.
  • Talking to a 抵押贷款专家 for the best interest rates. 请致电269.544.3105 or schedule an appointment
  • Securing your interest rate. 
  • Agreeing upon loan terms and finalizing your loan. 

所以,当 & 为什么? 
When considering whether to refinance your mortgage, 最重要的步骤之一是确定你再融资的目的. 有几个不同的理由为你的抵押贷款再融资,其中一些包括 4

  1. Reduce 按月支付. 当你以较低的利率再融资或延长贷款期限时,这种情况就会发生. 
  2. 缩短贷款期限. 当你再融资到较短的期限时,你可以在更短的时间内还清贷款. 例如, 从30年的抵押贷款再融资到15年的抵押贷款可以让你在一半的时间内还清贷款, also cutting down on interest owed. 
  3. Tap into equity on your home. 这条路线有很多选择,这是一个很好的方式来获得资金用于家庭装修, help fund college tuition, cover unforeseen expenses, 让你和你的家人安心,因为你有一个应急基金来应对那些暴风雨的情况.: 
    • 套现再融资:一些人选择再融资以借入比他们当前抵押贷款所欠的更多的钱, that way the lender gives the borrower a check for the difference. 
    • 房屋净值信贷额度(HELOC):拥有房屋净值的房主可以将其用作循环信贷,并在使用抵押贷款时以其为抵押借款 HELOC. 当你需要以优惠的利率获得资金时,这可以派上用场.
  4. Switch from an adjustable- to a fixed-rate loan. Because interest rates fluctuate on adjustable-rate 抵押贷款, you can end up owing more over the long run than desired. 固定利率贷款的利率保持不变,提供了金融稳定. Arbor Financial has a new, 15年固定特惠 利率极低*.


Deciding when to refinance your mortgage can seem difficult, but it does not have to be when you consider the right details. 一些因素包括 3

  • 现行利率. 
  • Your credit score health. 
  • 你的目标. 
  • 你房子的价值. 
  • The current economic climate.



See the 储蓄 in Action 
一旦你决定了再融资是否适合你,是时候看看这些数字了. 我们的 再融资的计算器 可以帮助消除一些猜测和确定多少再融资可以节省你. 这个易于使用的计算器可以给你一个抵押贷款利率的估计, 按月支付, and show readjusted total interest over the life of your loan. 
你对抵押贷款再融资的需求会有所不同,但经验丰富且友好 抵押贷款专家 从Arbor金融可以帮助指导您获得最出你的再融资住房贷款. 请致电269.544.3105, 在线申请, or schedule an appointment to get started today, or visit jieyangw.com/quickquote to get a free, instant personalized mortgage quote. 

*Annual Percentage Rate (APR). 特别2.137% APR is the lowest rate available and current as of 2/2/2021. Rate based on a $150,000 loan with no PMI. Payment example: 15-year special is 180 按月支付 of $964.57. Does not include taxes or insurance and your payment will be higher. 所列费率适用于自住独户主要独立住宅的再融资按揭. Rate may vary depending on credit history and underwriting factors. 计划、价格、条款和条件如有更改,恕不另行通知. Other restrictions may apply.
1. 刘易斯,H. (2021年1月. 26). Mortgage Interest 利率 Forecast. Nerdwallet. http://www.nerdwallet.com/article/抵押贷款/mortgage-interest-rates-forecast 
2. 沃伦,K. (2020年10月13日). What Is Mortgage 再融资? 简单的美元. http://www.thesimpledollar.com/mortgage/what-is-mortgage-refinance/ 
3. 李,我. (2020年10月7日). When to 再融资 Your Mortgage. 简单的美元. http://www.thesimpledollar.com/mortgage/when-to-refinance-your-mortgage/ 
4. Bundrick H. M.刘易斯,H. (2020年12月18日). How and 为什么 to 再融资 Your Mortgage. Nerdwallet. http://www.nerdwallet.com/article/抵押贷款/how-to-refinance-your-mortgage

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