A car loan is a popular way to finance a car because it's convenient and affordable. At the same time, it's always a great day when you finish paying off your loan so you own your car outright and don't have any more monthly payments. 

如果你能早点还清汽车贷款,你还能省下利息. 往下读一些简单的建议和技巧,帮助你更快地达到目标.  

Getting Started

在你开始寻找提前还清汽车贷款的方法之前, 检查这些细节是个好主意:

  • Is there any prepayment penalty for paying your loan off sooner than planned?

  • If you make extra payments, will the money go toward your principal or only toward interest? 

  • Use an auto loan calculator to see how much you'll benefit by making any changes, and decide if it's worth it.  

  • Keep in mind that paying your car loan off early may take some effort in the short term but will likely be worth it in the long run when your credit score gets a boost. 

1. Pay Early Each Month 

Paying early each month may mean more of your monthly payment goes toward your principal and less toward interest. 这是因为大多数汽车贷款都是单利的, 这是根据你两次付款之间的天数来计算的.


  • To make budgeting easy, your monthly car payment is always the same – but the portion that goes toward the principal vs. 用于利息的部分是不同的.

  • 在你贷款开始的时候, you'll pay more on interest and less on your principal because the amount of interest you owe goes down as you pay off your principal.

  • In addition, a simple interest rate is based on how many days have gone by between your payments. 

  • 所以如果你比到期日提前几个月付款, 天数越少,就会被收取利息. 

2. Pay Extra Each Month

如果你每个月能多付几美元的话, 几年之后会增加到数百人, which means you'll be able to pay off your car loan early and save on interest. 

One easy way to pay extra is to round up your payment and here's how to do it:

  • 假设你的月供是237美元.25. 

  • 很有可能,你不会错过额外支付的2美元.75美元,使你的付款平均为240美元.

  • 最好是多付12美元.75美元,平均250美元.

  • 这些加起来每年总共多出153美元, 这可能意味着你比计划提前几个月还清贷款.

3. 当你有多余的现金时,一次性存入一笔钱

Everyone dreams of winning the lottery or inheriting a ton of money from a mystery aunt. 尽管这可能永远不会发生, there might be one or two times a year when you do have a bit of extra cash.  

Putting down a sum of money on your loan is a great way to pay off a car loan early so you can focus on other projects. 这里有一些建议让你开始:

  • 把退税的一部分用于汽车贷款.

  • If you get a raise, keep aside the extra money from one or two paychecks then put it on your loan.

  • Save up any windfalls through bonuses or dividends and use the money to pay down your loan at the end of the year.

  • 如果你卖掉你的房子或获得房屋净值, 为你的汽车贷款保留一些资金——或者甚至全部还清.

4. Don't Skip Payments

Many lenders allow you to skip your payment 不时地,没有惩罚. 虽然这是一个有用的服务,当你可能缺钱的几个月, skipping payments means you'll end up with a longer loan term and you'll pay more interest.


  • 看看你能不能从家人那里借到钱.

  • 用低息信用卡支付汽车贷款.

  • Take out a low-interest personal loan to get you through the difficult spot.

5. 如果可能的话,每两周付款一次

Of course, there are 12 months in the year, which equals 12 monthly payments on your car loan. But did you know that if you pay every two weeks, you will make 26 payments rather than 24? 

长期汽车贷款, 这意味着你可以提前几个月还清贷款, 存了这么多利息.

This arrangement could be especially helpful if your employer pays you every two weeks, so talk to your financial advisor and see if it's possible at your local credit union or other financial institution.

6. Refinance Your Car Loan

汽车贷款再融资意味着要拿出一笔全新的贷款, so it's probably not worth it if your loan has a competitive annual percentage rate (APR) and you're happy with your monthly payment and term. 


  • 如果自你贷款以来利率大幅下降, you could get a lower APR, which would mean more of your payment goes on your principal so you'll pay off your loan faster.

  • If your income has gone up, you may be able to afford a higher monthly payment.

  • On the other hand, 如果你的收入下降了, you could refinance and get a longer term so your monthly payment is more affordable. Though this means you'll pay more total interest, it could be worth it for peace of mind each month.


Buying a car is exciting and maybe you were so excited about choosing your vehicle that you didn't have time to do your homework. 

如果你从经销商或主要金融机构获得汽车贷款, 你可能没有得到你应得的报酬. Alternatively, maybe you want to tweak your loan term to pay off your car loan early. 

Whatever your situation, click below to find out the next steps to get you a great new car loan!



Auto Loans