冬天老人来到了密歇根, 给我们带来更冷的温度, 晶莹的雪, 呼啸的风. Follow these easy four tips to make the winter season less stressful on your wallet 和更多的 budget friendly.

  1. 寻找节省水电费的方法.

    With daylight savings time over and the sun setting so early, consider using energy efficient light bulbs in your home, and be sure to turn off lights that don’t need to be on. Changing furnace filters regularly and keeping air vents open and clear will help your home heat more efficiently. Older homes may even need air leaks sealed around windows and doors.

    While a hot shower is one of life’s greatest luxuries, consider dropping the temperature on your hot water heater and wrapping pipes in insulation to save on your bill. 修理漏水的水龙头也是有益的. 尽管你应该一直遵循护理说明, washing clothes in cool/cold water can also help cut down on utility bills.

  2. 查看信用卡/借记卡上的经常性费用.
    自动续期是有益的, but always remember to review recurring charges on your credit and debit cards occasionally. 来自流媒体服务, 到健身房会员, or that online gaming service you used to spend way too much time on, 人们很容易忘记自动付款.

    小贴士:取超过30元的钱以避免提款机收费,000 fee-free ATMs nationwide through the CO-OP ATM network. 点击下面了解如何操作!


  3. 为假日购物制定预算.
    为心爱的人购物是一种很棒的感觉, but it can have the adverse effect when it comes to your finances. Creating a budget for holiday shopping can help you feel confident, 有组织的, 准备好迎接假期了.

    Using labeled envelopes and placing a specific cash amount in each, 这就是所谓的信封预算, 是一个伟大的, 简单的方法. 记得早点购物,以免交急运费, 寻找特别折扣, 考虑自制一份礼物.


    You can earn points for spending with an Arbor Financial Rewards Credit Card! Redeem points for cash back, gift cards, merchandise, and travel. 以下是你获得的奖励积分:

    > 3X points on restaurant and travel

    > 2X points on groceries and gas

    > 1X points on everything else!


  4. 释放现金流.
    看看你能不能 得到 更多的 在您的钱包里兑现我们的:

  • 十大最好的网赌平台付款计划 -解决现金流危机的简单步骤, this program allows eligible borrowers to skip a loan payment to catch up on other bills. 排除、条件和限制适用.


  • 资产转移 – Transfer your high-rate loan to Arbor Financial to consolidate debt and save on payments. Speak with a 个人 Banker to see if this is the right move for your situation.


  • 个人贷款 -来自债务合并, 房屋维修及其他, a personal loan can put a little extra cash in your wallet for any need. 查看费率和详细信息如下.


简单的储蓄技巧积少成多, from cutting down on the electric bill to canceling that gaming subscription you no longer use. These are easy steps to get you started, but don’t stop there! Visit our on-demand library for free financial education, 随时为您服务, 无论, 关于预算等话题, 信用评分, 和更多的.


